It all started in a singular moment. In just that one little moment, Deidre Granger knew that her life was meant to be and was going to made into something great, without a doubt. She had been raised by two amazingly loving parents who encouraged her to go for the gold, to reach for the stars and to make the most of her life and that was exactly how it had all begun. It began with every night when she was little. When her dad would sit down before the television, pop on the local history channel and get her dream of a the growing world outside her very window. To this day, she believe that was what began her love and her dream of seeing the world outside of the raining walls of Portland, Oregon. That her dad was the real reason why she moved away as soon as she graduated high school. Only to find herself in Boston, Massachusetts attending the most prestigious school in the country: Harvard.
And it was. It all started in that moment when her dad would sit her down next to him with the history channel on and constantly telling her to dream big, to reach for the stars and to do whatever her heart told her to do. It was all she could do to keep from wanting to rush into the doors of NASA and tell them that she wanted to go into space. Of course, that wasn't the end of her dreaming. It started with her during college, she would stay up late into the evenings studying the stars through Harvard telescope. Chartering the universe, dreaming of the romance of the stars that could be told through the very reflection into her dreams. The only problem was, she didn't know where to begin to start her plan to see the world. She had little money and the only way she made it through school was with the growing scholarships and student loans she was accumulating. But that didn't end her dream, no Deidre would find herself in the most precarious situation.
While on visiting her parents on summer break in Portland, her mother a simple Mail Carrier, found herself and her daughter locked in a bank during a hostage situation. Of course, the situation was quickly resolved, but Deidre did not like the idea of being scared. To think that in a single moment her life could end without telling the people she loves how she truly feels. The second she went back to school, she found a local gym that was offering martial arts training. Deidre took it without hesitation. She quickly scaled the ranks of Tai Chi, a form of silent martial arts that is both calming and deadly at the same time. She enjoyed it. She even found that she was quite capable at it. Though she knew she didn't want to give up on her dream of seeing the world but she also wanted to help women and men protect themselves. She quickly graduated from Harvard the following year of school with a degree in Astronomy. And even though she may have been at the top of her class, she never did go into working within her field of study.
But by the time she started working in a gym known as Wildecat. A mixed martial arts studio that she enjoyed. She had many students under her care and eventually she found that despite teaching these people how to take care of themselves they also found they could come to her with any type of problem. She was an open ear, a heart that was more than willing to listen to what she had to say. She was everything to these people and eventually she became accustomed to her position as an instructor who cared for those that were under her. That was until the night that she got the phone call that would change her life. Her mother, Marie Granger, had grown ill all of a sudden. She was in the hospital and both of her siblings were on their way there. Deidre took all the time off she could handle and drove a week to get to her mother's side. She sat there, holding her father and mother hands. The very idea that the woman who raised her may be going away forever. And her heart broke. Deidre would never forget the night her mother's eyes closed for good and the look of pain upon her father's eyes. He was alone and Deidre didn't know what to do for him. Instead she decided to patch things up with her sister, ---- Granger, her fraternal twin and the largest pain in her side. The two of them found that they both lived in Boston but never said two words to one another. So, that changed and after the funeral they decided to make the time to at least have dinner once a month.
During the years to follow after her mother's death, Deidre had grown immensely. There was a singular love in her life, but that love had vanished into the wind within the next six months of her time with him. He was her life, he was her soul and the moment he left he took both with her. She had been broken but she knew she could be fixed. It would take time for that to happen and she welcomed it. Over the next couple of years, she spent it working and looking out the window through her telescope. Studying the stars and the constellations in the night sky. Despite the very idea that her neighbours across the street thought she was spying on them. But for Deidre, the idea of the mighty Leo fighting the warrior Hercules was everything to her. And she wouldn't have her life any other way.

After high school, Dawn returned to Europe to attend England’s Oxford University. While there, an inter-dimensional Crisis occurred that required the services of nearly every country’s super-heroes, military, and police forces. During this time, Dawn’s mother, in London to deliver a diplomatic pouch, was taken hostage along with the staff of the American embassy by a band of terrorists who announced they would blow up the embassy. Desperate, Dawn’s pleas for help were answered by a mysterious mingling of voices, belonging to Lords of Chaos and Order, who promised Dawn the power to make order of this chaos if she would only “say the word.” The word was “Dove.” She agreed. Whenever danger is present, Dawn can say “Dove” and trigger the change in which Dove’s costume swirls across her body, appearing from nowhere to replace whatever she is wearing. This costume cannot be removed on low-magic worlds like Earth and hides the fact that Dove is not truly human, but a conduit for and the living essence of a Lord of Order’s mystical energy. When the danger is over, Dove reverts to Dawn. Dawn knew about the first Hawk and Dove team, but assumed she was just “another” Dove, just as there are many Green Lanterns. She was shocked when she discovered the first Dove had died while rescuing people during the Crisis. She also noticed a change in Hawk as news resources reported his escalating destructive and chaotic behavior.
Increasingly convinced that it was intended for her to become Hawk’s new partner and that Hawk needed the balancing effect of Dove’s presence, Dawn returned to the United States, tracking Hawk’s moves and charting his appearances. She deduced that Hawk was Hank Hall, a Georgetown University student, and transferred herself to the same school, to her parents’ delight. When confronted by the new Dove, Hawk’s initial reaction was angry and violent, but he came to accept and appreciate his new partner. During this first adventure, Dove learned that Hawk and Dove were linked to Chaos and Order and that the first Dove actually died and Dawn had accepted the powers, meaning she may have been partly responsible for his death. Guilt and curiosity eventually led Dove, with Hawk, to meet Terataya, the Lord of Order who gave Dove her powers, and T’Charr, the Lord of Chaos who gave Hawk his. These two Lords had fallen in love and revealed that Hawk and Dove were experimental spells cast by the pair to prove that the two conflicting mystic houses could work together fatally injured during that adventure, the two Lords of Order and Chaos gave the remainder of their essences to make the Hawk and Dove spells permanent. This merging gave both Hawk and Dove enhanced powers. It also left Dawn wondering if Hawk and Dove were meant to fall in love as their creators had.
But Dove had a different romantic partner in mind. While in Georgetown, Dove caught the attention of Captain “Sal” Arsala, leader of the Washington DC Special Crimes Unit, who was immediately taken with the bright and beautiful crimefighter. But unknown to Sal, it was difficult for Dove to date the colorful Captain because her powers only sparked when danger was near. So Dove attempted to date Sal as Dawn Granger, but donned in a white wig to protect her dual identity. Meanwhile, Dawn’s friend Donna offered to play match-maker by arranging a blind date with her childhood friend, Brian. The situation became comically complicated when Dawn eventually met Donna’s friend at a holiday party – only to learn his full name: Brian “Sal” Arsala, the same man she was dating as Dove! This led Dawn to date Sal in both identities, hoping to win his heart in her civilian guise. Eventually, Dawn revealed her secret to Sal and the pair started to embark on a more serious relationship.
But the lovebirds’ burgeoning romance was cut tragically short. During an afternoon picnic, Dawn and Sal were ambushed by the time-displaced Monarch. The power-mad despot attacked the couple, savagely slaying Sal as Dawn watched in horror. Seeking to insure his own origins, Monarch kidnapped Dove and used his teleportational ability to steal an odd array of equipment. Standing atop a hilly glen, Monarch proceeded to build a powerful device that would subjugate the Earth to his will. By this time, Hawk tracked them down and when Dove tried to stop Monarch, the villain seemingly killed her.
Hawk and Dove were always destined to be two sides of the same force, and they needed each other to maintain stability. With Dove dead, there was no one who could keep Hawk’s mind in check no one to stop him from slipping into chaos. And in a rage, Hawk killed Monarch – learning that he himself was the madman behind the mask. Dawn Granger was thought to be dead, but that was not so. The evil mage Mordru had actually saved Dawn from annihilation and created a concealment spell so she would appear dead. Mordru knew the offspring of Hawk and Dove would create a being of perfect balance between Order and Chaos – and he secretly planned to use that vessel for his own evil ends. Magically implanted with the seed of Hank Hall, Dawn gave birth to Hector Hall – who later assumed the mantle of Dr. Fate. Dr. Fate believed his birth mother was Lyta Hall, until he finally deduced it was Dawn Granger. The realization of this broke through Mordru’s mystical ruse and forced the evil sorcerer’s hand. Possessing the body of Dr. Fate, the malevolent magic-user was ultimately defeated by the Justice Society. Now freed of her mystical imprisonment, Dove left to search for a new Hawk.
Dawn found the new Hawk in an unlikely yet familiar place, as Chaos bestowed the powers of Hawk upon Holly Granger, Dawn’s London-reared younger sibling. The avian duo quickly made their mark as the latest Hawk and Dove, assisting the Titans in battling the more-dangerous-than-ever Dr. Light. But Dawn found her biggest challenge was in taming her sister’s fiery temperament. After Superboy’s tragic death during the Infinite Crisis, the Teen Titans faced a year of heartache and turmoil. Hawk and Dove joined the team for a short time, but later quit. The group remained in constant upheaval until Robin returned and reorganized the Titans into a team.
Sadly, the female version of Hawk & Dove was ultimately short-lived. During the cosmic event known as The Blackest Night, the dead were imbued with Black Lantern energy and proceeded to attack and torment the living. Hank Hall rose from the dead, controlled by the evil Nekron, and murdered Holly Granger before her sister’s own eyes. But on the heels of this tragedy, there was a ray of hope. Before Nekron could return everything back to the black void, a burst of white light put an end to this plan – resurrecting twelve fallen heroes and villains in the process. Now mysterious restored to life, Hank Hall has rejoined Dawn Granger – allowing the Hawk and Dove team to fly again.
• TWO: Both have a strained relationship with their faternal twin sisters. It was mostly caused to their conflicting personalities. Despite always butting heads in an old fashion way, Deidre and --- have been trying patch things up since their mutual move to Boston.
• THREE: Both has the itch to travel the world. Which Dawn has always done with their mother. Deidre on the other hand has never left the United States soil. She always dreamed of traveling the world.
• FOUR: Being a yoga instructor, has created a type of peaceful aura around Deidre. This is the same type of prensence that Dawn herself radiates when she is in her Dove transformation. This aura is what draws people to them.
• FIVE: As a member of the Birds of Prey, Dawn has a strong friendship with each of it's key members. The same can be said for Deidre herself. Though she doesn't know it, she has a connection with Isla and Elena, both leaders of the Birds of Prey.
• SIX: Both are in peak physical condition, are five foot nine inches and have deep blue eyes. Both have an aura of Innocence about them. This is what caused the Avatar of Order to come to them in the first place.
• HYPER-VIGILANT: As Dove her natural aptitudes are enhanced, such as her ability as a good judge of people and situations allowing her to read people and objects in a situation, within seconds, and know how they will act and react.
• FLIGHT: The transformation changes Granger into a minor force of Order and she gains some brilliant avian physical characteristics, which are usually hidden under her costume.
• SUPERHUMAN AGILITY: Dove can dodge almost indefinitely, multiple times from multiple sources of action. She's dodged punches, swords, bullets and more multiple times.
• ENHANCED DURABILITY: It differs from invulnerability because they can still sustain damage from a sufficient source. Some characters may only withstand sharp attacks, blunt attacks or are vulnerable to energy.
• CONCENTRATED RADIANCE: On high magic worlds her powers are enhanced, she can concentrate her radiance into a blinding beam of light. Likewise, during the Blackest Night, Dove was able to channel the White Light of Creation to destroy Black Lanterns with her aura.
• HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT: She has a basic understanding of hand-to-hand combat. Though she might not be as skilled as most, she also has a slight understanding of martial arts. Her acrobatics skills are quite proficient as well.
• WHITE HAIR: Since she became the Avatar of Order, Dawn's hair has been turned permenantly white.
HAIR COLOR: Light Blonde
EYE COLOR: Ocean Blue
SCARS: One just above her lip, when her twin sister smacked her with a golf club taking out her front baby teeth as a child.
TATTOOS: Back; Right Foot; Left Ankle; Wrists.